Very newbie with EasyEDA (One day), I've some trouble with a component.
First of all, I'm very pleased to discover that such advanced tool is available online.
Please, can somebody help me to find/explain what is wrong.
I've shared this small project in order to show you : https://easyeda.com/fbobqn/tst-6274213071ba43bfa4d08d6850ac5e80
My concern is that in a project, I want to use the normaly closed contact of a relay type HFKW/012-1ZW
The datasheet (http://www.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/pdf/661179/HONGFA/HFKW/012-1ZW-LC.html) shows that this contact is on right down pin (Bottom view).
On the PCB **top** view, the right down pin is used!! For me this pin is the normaly open contact.
Am I wrong? Where?
Thank you for any help.