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Issues With GND Copper Pours, And Do I Need Them?
342 2
Noah517 3 years ago
I've been working on a project for the past few months that requires moderately intricate circuitry. The first PCB that I created and ordered didn't end up working, and I found that the culprit was that some of the vital ground pins weren't actually connected to ground. For this PCB, I laid out the traces for all the signal and VCC lines and then used a GND copper pour to connect all the GND pins together, as recommended by a guide I used. Looking back at my PCB design, I can clearly see areas where the copper pour was not connected to other grounded areas because the clearance values didn't let it go in between certain traces. I recently created a new PCB, and I noticed that when I put down a GND copper pour, the same issue occurred in certain sections. My board is only a two-layer board, and I don't have any major heat-producing components, and I was planning to put GND copper pours on both sides. I feel like in my case, it would be more helpful to just create GND traces instead of a GND copper layer. Is this idea correct? Or am I just doing something wrong? Thanks, Noah
andyfierman 3 years ago
[https://easyeda\.com/forum/topic/When\_How\_to\_use\_Copper\_Ground\_and\_V\_planes\-g2QNnljhf](<br> <br> [](
Markus_ee 3 years ago
Hi! You could try via stitching method if you have GND copper plane on both sides. This way you can extend ground everywhere it is being needed. ![image.png](// Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
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