You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Italian translation for the editor
985 8
FabianoRiccardi 4 years ago
Hi, Are you currently working on Italian translation for the editor? I can see many languages but not italian. I may help with translation in case.
FabianoRiccardi 4 years ago
Any news about this topic?
UserSupport 3 years ago
Hi If you have free time, you can help to translation the EasyEDA editor [](<br> <br> Thank you
FabianoRiccardi 3 years ago
That's great. I will look into it in the next few days.
sblant 3 years ago
Hi Fabiano, if you need help in the italian translation feel free to ask.
FabianoRiccardi 3 years ago
Ok thanks\! I'm looking at the repository\, I don't understand if 3 dots \(\.\.\.\) has some special meaning \(example file ui\_data\_it\.txt\, line:3\) Join... = Collegati OR Join... = Collegati... Which is the correct one?
UserSupport 3 years ago
Join... = Collegati... is correct one
FabianoRiccardi 3 years ago
Fine! May I do pull request even if I translate few lines? 3000 lines are a huge amount to traslate in a single patch/day.
UserSupport 3 years ago
@fabiano.riccardi Yes, you can Thank you
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