**Feature Request**
Brief title for your desired feature: When I view one of the fields (Component or Nets) in design manager I want that same field to be open next time I return to that view. Currently in either schematic or pcb editor, if a am viewing netlist for example and I click away to another tab eg. from schematic editor to pcb editor or vice versa, the default is to open the Component list and I have to click and scroll to go back to the net I was viewing before. Really annoying when you are moving between schematic and pcb editors during board design and wanting to view specific nets in each, particularly when the net list is long and requires scrolling.
How would you like the feature to work? Keep the last list you were viewing when you return to that editor tab (pcb or schematic). Does not have to be persistent between new editor sessions (when closing and re-opening a pcb or schematic) but must be persistent during the current session when you are clicking between pcb and schematic tabs.
Why is this feature important to you? Removes an annoyance in EasyEDA!