Package information used on LCSC parts has extraneous information. For example in the schematic below U16 and U4 footprints are SOT23-6 and SOIC8 respectively yet the package name provided with the parts from LCSC has additional dimension information in the package name. It is totally unnecessary to provide dimensions because a SOT or SOIC package is a standard - no dimension information is necessary. Besides which dimensions should not be included in package names anyhow. (Is there a package naming standard?) These LCSC package names are long, unwieldy and an annoyance on schematics and in the BOM! The resistor R44 has an extra 'R' in the name - it is unnecessary. The ref des already tells you its a resistor. If I want to change the package name on these parts I end up creating a new part and the LCSC part number becomes meaningless. So I cannot process the BOM through LCSC, may as well use Digikey.