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LM358N simulation shows no gain
1903 14
olegkirillov 7 years ago
Hi! This is my schematic, I'm trying to build a simple sensor of very light knock using a piezo disc: The input is projected to be ~300 mV and I plan to have 4x differential amplification gain and ~3.7 V/0.4ms square pulse with ~1ms hold-down period. I tried to model it with LTSpice and simulated it successfully. Breadboarded it works at amp part, but does not form a square signal. I tried to model it in EasyEDA but it does not simulate op-amp for some reason. Where did I fail?
andyfierman 7 years ago
Hi Olegkirillov, Welcome to EasyEDA. Sorry but you link is broken. ![enter image description here][1] I tried opening your public project via: but that does not work either. Without being able to see the schematic it is hard to offer much help. :) If you are using the `LM358-N` symbol then the opamp subckt should appear in your netlist. For information about how to run simulations in EasyEDA please see: and: If you have simulated the circuit in LTspice then you can import the schematic straight into EasyEDA, where if you change the opamp symbol name to 'LM358_NS', you should find that the circuit may simulate OK in EasyEDA with no other changes. If you have other LTspice specific models in the sim then it may need further editing to make it work in EasyEDA. Even if it does not simulate in EasyEDA, you can still import the schematic, strip out the simulation only parts such as signal and power sources and then add connectors etc., PCB footprint and BoM information to prepare the schematic for conversion to PCB. An example of this can be seen here: [1]: /editor/20170104/586c24d53a58a.png
olegkirillov 7 years ago
It's strange as i made my project public and I see it under my account. Just updated the license and wrote a description. I'll try to load LTSpice meanwhile.
olegkirillov 7 years ago
Tried to import .asc but EasyEDA doesn't load anything and shows no error.
andyfierman 7 years ago
This is very strange. Your public project page now appears but is empty. What: 1. browser 2. OS 3. version of EasyEDA are you using?
andyfierman 7 years ago
Ah! I have just tried to import a new LTspice .asc file. It imports OK and displays in the editor but when I try to open the project from: **Home > My Account > Project** It appears empty like yours. Can you open the imported schematic it from `My Projects` in the left hand Navigation panel? ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20170104/586ce14441310.png
andyfierman 7 years ago
I have raised a Bug Report:
andyfierman 7 years ago
See also:
olegkirillov 7 years ago
My import results in empty schematic, even if I save it and open again. When I redraw from scratch and try to simulate the device I see only input signal pulse and no amp gain as if it is not powered, though I placed +5 voltage source.
andyfierman 7 years ago
Can you send me your EasyEDA Source file for this schematic (to `myusername` ![enter image description here][1] I suspect that if you try to send me the whole project using: ![enter image description here][2] that it will fail with: ![enter image description here][3] Then I can at least debug what is going wrong with your simulation and post you a corrected file back. Please also post what: 1. browser 2. OS 3. version of EasyEDA you are using? [1]: /editor/20170105/586d505687ebe.png [2]: /editor/20170105/586d5111b1897.png [3]: /editor/20170105/586d51a39c92c.png
olegkirillov 7 years ago
Yes, downloading the whole project fails with "Empty project" message. So I sent you the source only. I use the latest EasyEDA, 3.12.23, Build 12/24/2016. Google Chrome Version 48.0.2564.109 (64-bit) Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (Xenial Xerus)
olegkirillov 7 years ago
Meanwhile I've rebuilt the breadboard and now everything works as planned, so now I'm more concerned about PCB stage, router fails with "Bad PCB" message. :)
olegkirillov 7 years ago
Tried Mozilla Firefox 49.0.2 for Ubuntu - the same results. Overcome "Not a valid PCB" hurdle, made a PCB. :) Just curious, is it possible to completely prevent project to place some [required for simulation] items onto PCB?
andyfierman 7 years ago
Hi Oleg, Thanks for the schematic file. As I suggested in an earlier email, all you need to do to get the sim to work is to replace the LM358N symbol with the LM358-N symbol: ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20170105/586d75fb8f346.png
andyfierman 7 years ago
Glad you're finally underway with the PCB. There are a couple of ways to convert a simulation schematic into a non-simulation schematic and then convert it into PCB. 1) copy the sim schematic into a new non-simulation Schematic and PCB project then delete all the simulation specific parts and add any other bits such as switches and connectors etc. The Uberclamp projects I pointed you to earlier were done this way (via an imported LTspice .asc). 2) create the original sim as a 2 sheet schematic. Put the core circuit into one sheet and put all the sim only support stuff on the other sheet then copy only the core circuit into a new non-simulation Schematic and PCB project. Here's an example: Note that you can add PCB footprint and BoM info into either the simulation schematic or the non-simulation schematic. If you put it into the simulation schematic and then copy it into a new project all the extra information is copied too.
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