You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
LTSpice in EasyEDA Pro edition
4260 2
Lesliev 1 year ago
Hello, I have been using EasyEDA standard for some time and been very happy with its schematic and PCB design capabilities but less so with its Simulation capabilities.  I currently use LTSpice on my desktop for design and simulation of some circuits. I have now installed EasyEDA Pro as it appears to offer some more poewerful design options but cant see anywhere in the PRO interface to run LTSpice simulations.  Is this option available in PRO and if so can anyone advise where I will find it?  I have also read (via AndyFierman post) that EasyEDA Pro can import LTSpice netlists and components if files are in the correct formats but will the LTSpice netlist when setup with its components be able to be simulated in PRO? If there is a tutorial available on this topic for PRO I would really like a link. Cheers and thank you in advance for any responses and advice Les
andyfierman 1 year ago
Hi Les, Pro does not offer simulation. It can import .asc and .asy files but only to convert them to EasyEDA Pro schematics. So carry on running your simulations natively in LTSpice and then import the schematics into Pro for BOM and PCB creation.
Lesliev 1 year ago
@andyfierman Thank you Andy for that. To the rescue again. Cheers
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