Short feature request:
I would want a "large assembly mode" available, that could include multiple pcb´s and schematics, but that could also allow inter-connection between the two.
Possibly even auto-router thru multiple pcbs, using edge-connectors (perpendicular pcb intersection) or thru-hole pins (parallel pcb´s).
Extended request:
(relating stacked pcb´s)
The requested "feature" should also be able to generate a secondary pcb on a project, to be used as a "pcb flatcable" of sorts, to locally increase pcb layers and utilizable surface area, leaving standard pin-holes for inter-pcb connection.
This should function like the current layers do, except you would be able to populate 2x top and 2x bottom inside the sub-pcb, and the factory output would generate two cards, possibly with break-slots in between.
Personal note, to more in detail explain the request;
It is often very hard for me to cram all the necessary components (and the corresponding nets) into the required physical size (footprint or cylindrical volume), witch often forces me to use multiple cards in a stack (or sometimes a prism-shape) to access more volume and surface area on same footprint space.
It also allows for components on all 4 (or more) sides), witch makes a small project very tiny if used efficiently..
However, setting this up today is not a simple task, constantly switching between cad and web-ui, creating edge connectors and other inter-pcb links and keep track of nets, pin orders and PCB sides thru multiple cards is pretty much a nightmare in terms of workload.