You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Layer tool stuck in corner, unselectable, cannot work
665 5
tobalt 5 years ago
Hi , since yesterday the layers tool is stuck partially outside the window in the top  left corner. I cannot use it anymore. I can not click on the layers, i can not reach the top bar to drag it back into the view. Disable/Re-enable Layer tool does not help. Restarting browser does nothing. When I log in from another PC it is fine. But when logging in back on the first PC, the problem stil disappears. This bug renders easyeda completely unusable.
andyfierman 5 years ago
Please post a screenshot.
tobalt 5 years ago
Sure,  for not doing it in the first place. ![layersbug.jpg](//
andyfierman 5 years ago
Hmmmm. Just guessing but what happens if you move the Windows taskbar: ![image.png](// to somewhere else, for example, to the bottom of the screen? Clear the cache in Firefox...? [https://easyeda\.com/forum/topic/Manually\_clear\_offline\_application\_cache\_if\_EasyEDA\_editor\_page\_cannot\_update\_to\_new\_version\-5GE0YWhDn](
tobalt 5 years ago
Right, clearing browser cache reset the UI layout, so I've got the layer tool back in place. Good side effect: I learnt to quickly toggle between bottom and top layer with Numpad +/- :)
MikeDB 5 years ago
There seem to be more and more situations where the only solution is clearing the cache.   Any ideas why this is happening ?
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