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Layers and objects extremely annoying
628 7
Henrik Larsen 4 years ago
Hi, May I suggest that the "Layers and Objects" dialog could open from the top, rather than from the bottom. It has distressed me from day one, that it opens from the bottom, and collapses to the bottom, on mouse over. I use extra mouse movements 99% of the times I have to use that really annoying dialogue. Also, if you make it stay open by clicking the pin, and pull it to fill some blank area under the attributes area while "All" is active, then it still collapses some, when you select other groups, like "Copper". Why ? It's so much out of normal UX !
martin 4 years ago
My 2c: there should not be floating dialog boxes at all.
Henrik Larsen 4 years ago
@martin, ... or that yes :-)
andyfierman 4 years ago
"May I suggest that the "Layers and Objects" dialog could open from the top, rather than from the bottom." Not quite sure what you maen. If it's in the upper half of the canvas, it opens from the top and drops down. if it's in the lower half of the canvas, it drops down but pushes the whole palette up. Then falls down again when the menu rolls back up towards the top.
UserSupport 4 years ago
What is your screen resolution?
Henrik Larsen 4 years ago
OK, i wasn't aware of the feature, that it folds down when attached to the upper half of the canvas. I always have it at the bottom, because thats what I really want, but I understand why it was made as you describe. I will try to attach it at the top of the window for now, but for me its just to replace one annoyance with another, since it now has to be at the top where it always will be dangling somehow. No matter how I arrange it, its obstructing some part of my window, and it always behaves out of the ordinary.
andyfierman 4 years ago
You can also "Shade" the floating palettes. Double click on their top bars.
Henrik Larsen 4 years ago
Thanks, I would rather call it collapse, and I know that one, but then they dont automatically expand on mouse over.
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