I am using an ESP32-WEMOS device on schematics.
One of the pins, 3.3V, is connected on schematics, no error reported.
It cab also seen connected properly on the "net pins" list.
After updating the PCB, all pins are connected well, and routed well, with no errors.
But this specific pin is just not connected, and it doesn't have the thin line that represents un-routed net.
When the mouse hoovers on it it shows $$6808, instead of 3.3V as it should.
The pin name is 3.3V. I have done few trials, including only characters names (e.g. aaa), or even use the VCC symbol from EasyEDA.
No matter what I tried, the pin was just impossible to route.
I also tried looking into the properties of the symbol in the schematics - this signal had similar definitions as other signal.
Any idea how to make this pin routable on PCB?
Are there any reports I can generate from the EasyEDA so I could share for debug?