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Layout specific measurements and items
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billy jack newman 1 year ago
I need some help, I didn't pay attention nor did i know what i was doing and i orders some pcb boards  that will not work for anything. I am trying to layout a 30 pin esp8266 node mcu which is not in the easyeda  searches. the pins on my esp8266 are wider then the esp32, and only have 15 pins per side. how to i just place 2 female header pin strops on board but ensure they are the proper distance apart and the holes line up. maybe a video how to be precise will help, i honestly don't know schematics so i am over my head but I at least know what components I am using and why. if anyone can take the time to help me or point me in the right direction for good tutorials that would be great. thanks.
andyfierman 1 year ago
Get the datasheets for the 15 pin header strips to check their pin spacing. Check that the pin spacing matches the pins on your module. Measure and note the row spacing on the module that you have. Set the grid in the PCB Editor to the row spacing of the headers. Place one strip at one vertex (XY crossing point) in the grid. Lock it in place. Place the second one at the next vertex. Lock it in place. Your header strips are now in the correct positions. You can check this from the grid and using  the Measure or Dimension tools in the PCB Editor. Now you can set the grid to whatever size is convenient for the rest of your PCB layout. You can also set the Origin where you wish. For information about grid and origin settings and locking components please refer to the main Tutorial.
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