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Library - searching for JLCPCB Assembled Parts
406 2
mightycoco 1 year ago
Currently the search for parts is ORed instead of AND I.e. "220k R0402" returns all items with either 220K or R0402 in their name/description/part number/footprint \- There should be an option to search for "220K AND R0402" or a checkbox to make the search AND instead of OR\. \- There also should an option to filter on "Basic Parts" or "Extended Parts" only\. \- Sorting on a column should sort the entire search result and not only within the displayed result set \- There should be a checkbox to show only parts available \(in\-stock\)
andyfierman 1 year ago
+1000! Compared to sites like Element14, Farnell, Digikey, Mouser and RS, library searching in EasyEDA still needs a lot of improvement.
cjohnson 1 year ago
Agreed, there is also zero correlation between LCSC's search and what you will find through the library search. LCSC does not indicate SMT stock quantity or whether it is even JLCPCB assembled capable. Sometimes finding a part for a specific task takes way too long narrowing down what parts are actually in JLCPCB assembled and in stock.
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