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Little help regarding my first very simple layout?
436 5
Gavin Randall 4 years ago
Hi, was hoping someone could give advice on the below layout. I'm very much a noob in regards to pcb's but its such a simple circuit to help me keep some wires tidy and also share a live and ground for servos i thought id give it a shot (will sit within my blinds with a wire leading off to a controller.) []( I would just like to know if i can submit the Gerber file to jlcpcb and it should work? or am i still way off. I went through the tutorials initially and also searched DRC errors as its come up with quite a few and i think it should still be ok? but any advice would be much appreciated.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Do not ignore DRC Errors! You must check and understand what is causing them before you can decide if it is safe to ignore them or not. Always run the Gerbers and check them before even considering submitting for fab. 1. Name all Live nets and pads connected to it LIVE; 2. Name all Ground nets and pads connected to it GROUND; 3. Delete the copper rectangle on the bottom layer: it is shorting out all your pads and that is what is generating all the DRC errors; 4. Apply a Copper Area (a.k.a. a copper flood) to the bottom layer with the net name set to GROUND. That will connect the GROUND net to the copper area and will remove all the DRC errors. For your own sanity and that of your bank manager, please read: [](
Gavin Randall 4 years ago
Thanks Andy! will go through the list and read the hep guidelines too.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Also check that your track 1. widths are sufficient to carry whatever current your servoes draw (including the total if they are all switched on together!); 2. spacings are sufficient to provide safe creepage and clearances for the voltag differences between them. There are no tools built into EasyEDA for this yet but try searching for: pcb trace width calculator pcb trace creepage and clearance calculator
Gavin Randall 4 years ago
Re-named all LIVE and GROUND nets an pads. Removed the rectangle which did remove all the errors, i thought that tool applied to the size of the board. Missed that in the tutorials so thanks for pointing that out. Also looked into copper pour and added that. Im using 5v 5a and checking out the two calculators that you suggested, think the trace is ok. (This whole seems quite daunting though). So tempted to give it a go, Thanks again for all the advice and taking a look.
martin 4 years ago
I see no reason not to use fat tracks. There is plenty of space. Your traces look real thin if 5A is really going through there. Why do you have a solder mask trace along with the bottom traces? Nitpick, but might as well: align your connectors perfectly.
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