You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Load Failed! error on adding a component from the Library
1778 8
manu1296 3 years ago
Hi there!. I found this error message while working on a project on the online editor. So I tried the desktop version, still got the same issue. No new components can be added. ![image.png](// Thanks! Emanuel
ssewell 3 years ago
I'm having this exact same issue as well. EasyEDA(standard) 6.4.25 running the local version. Looks like it may be a backend issue.
cocus 3 years ago
I'm having the same issue as well, running it on my web browser (Chrome 97.0.4692.71 and soon to be updated) and EasyEDA (standard) v6.4.30
cocus 3 years ago
I must add that I checked the developer console, and no errors were shown, and every time I search, I see a post request to "search" and it returns a 200 OK, not sure what's going on
cocus 3 years ago
The actual response of the post is the following: > \{"success":false\,"code":400\,"message":"\{\"error\":\{\"root\_cause\":\[\{\"type\":\"parsing\_exception\"\,\"reason\":\"\[term\] query does not support \[uuid\]\"\,\"line\":1\,\"col\":656\}\]\,\"type\":\"parsing\_exception\"\,\"reason\":\"\[term\] query does not support \[uuid\]\"\,\"line\":1\,\"col\":656\}\,\"status\":400\}"\} And what it posted: > type: 3 > doctype[]: 2 > returnListStyle: classifyarr > wd: pic16f627 > version: 6.4.30 I searched for pic16f627 as shown.
alexpuhtin 3 years ago
``` And I have such a problem. Stopped finding components. EasyEDA desktop version v6.4.29 ```
cocus 3 years ago
It's fixed for me now!
zimichv 7 months ago
the same shit... I think we should just uninstall and forget about this project.
haidy_easyeda 7 months ago
@zimichv Hello, do you have any questions?
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