You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Load fail user contributed
455 8
javfdz 1 year ago
Hi In my project, I have added before some built modules from User Contributed in EasyEda Std like TTL to RS485, 4 channel level shifter without any problem and now that I want to add a new module, any time that I search for a new module (PCF8574 module) or one that already is in my proyect (level shifter) , the response in User Contributed is Load fail. I wanted to know if it problem of EasyEda or where I have made a mistake.
2021dmpc 1 year ago
![f.JPG](// on my end
louis-badr 1 year ago
Hi ! I have the same bug on both browser and the desktop app.
fizzi_ 1 year ago
yeah, same here, they seem to have a problem on their end i guess we're just gonna have to wait a bit
fizzi_ 1 year ago
it's been about 3 days for me i believe since i've started experiencing this issue
Hello! yes, i am also facing the same problem both on desktop software as well as on the Browser. I re-downloaded the software but the error pops up the same.that is Library--->User Contributed--->Load Failed!
Ethan Johnston 1 year ago
Please fix this!!!
moshe.gadid 1 year ago
me too :( its help to know its not only me thanks for sharing
andyfierman 1 year ago
Please see Dillon's post in: [](
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