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Local Autorouter Option
4025 4
radamanthis 6 years ago
I downloaded and installed the local autorouter option on my PC and  I am using Chrome version Version 67.0.3396.79 (Official Build) (64-bit). According to the EasyEDA website, the autorouter should run automatically on this version of Chrome, but its not. Can you please help me with this?  Can you send step by step instructions to find if I messed a step somewhere? Thanks!
radamanthis 6 years ago
Never mind, I discovered what needs to be done to use the local Auto router.  Here are all the steps you need to follow: 1\. Download and unzip the auto router file\. 2\. One of the unzipped files is win\.64 \(if you are using Windows\)\. Run that program\. ![image.png](// 3\. Once the router starts you will get the following screen\. ![image.png](// 4\. Leave the Auto Router program running and go to EasyEDA and route your board\. The local option is now available: ![image.png](//
shariq pathan 4 years ago
How to install local auto router
andyfierman 4 years ago
You'll find it in this section of our Tutorial: []( Please read it carefully.
hokpinsStudent 3 years ago
I am trying to install the loacla auto router on my mac, but the terminal keeps saying the directory does not exist
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