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Local Autorouter installation
754 13
Miopicman 3 years ago
After reinstalling EEDA after a computer reset operation I am having some problems reinstalling the local Autorouter. Everthing seems to go OK until I come to running the batch file Win64.bat in the Windows command line. When I type Win64.bat \<return> I get the message 'Access denied'. I tried for several hours on the web to find what could me causing it - but sadly, I failed. Can anyone help?
andyfierman 3 years ago
Works fine for me. Unzipped straight into Downloads (but works when unzipped into any other folder such as Documents or C:\Users\myname\EasyEDA-Router-v0.8.11). Where did you unzip **** to? What are your folder permissions? What level of user are you set up as?
Miopicman 3 years ago
It did work for me on my initial Windows setup, but since I've had to reset my computer it will not run and gives me the 'Access Denied' message! I've tried running other batch files and they seem to be ok. 1\. I unzipped **** into C:\Program Files\Easy EDA. 2\. What are your folder permissions? \- 'not sure \- how do I check / change' 3\. What level of user are you set up as? \- 'not sure \- how do I check / change' I'm pretty sure that I have done everything as before as I have a printed record of the procedure. It's go me baffled.
andyfierman 3 years ago
What exactly do you mean by "...I've had to reset my computer..."?
andyfierman 3 years ago
What happens if you just double click on win64.bat? What happens if you unzip the autorouter archive into a different folder such as in Documents?
Miopicman 3 years ago
I am sending this message in an image as its actual text seems to me causing a Network Failure!!!![Post-Failed-#2.jpg](//)
Miopicman 3 years ago
I am sending this message in an image as its actual text seems to be causing a Network Failure!!!![Post-Failed-#2.jpg](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
@Miopicman, That was the reason for my question: "What level of user are you set up as?" You probably need to set yourself up with Administrator rights. I'm not a Windows expert and I have no access to a Windows box at present so Google will be your friend on how to do that.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@Miopicman, Or maybe the access rights on the win64.bat file can be changed to make it executable by a non-Adminstrative user?
Miopicman 3 years ago
It seems that it works if I put win64.bat in a folder that is not in the system C: drive. I have checked and I am definitely the Administrator on my computer.![Admin-proof.jpg](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
I'm vaguely aware that W10 is fussy about access rights to the some of the System folders. That was the thought behind my question: "What happens if you unzip the autorouter archive into a different folder such as in Documents?" Anyhow it sounds like you're sorted so that's good.
Miopicman 3 years ago
Hi andyfierman. I tried sending you a message with the text c m d . e x e (without the spaces) and it gave me the Network Failure ! error message. Let's see if this one gets sent.
andyfierman 3 years ago
A personal message or a forum post?
Miopicman 3 years ago
A forum post. It would appear that any text in a post the could be malicious/dangerous/illegal etc etc such as c m d . e x e (without the spaces) causes an error message to slide onto the page as shown here.![Post-Failed-x-3.jpg](// The message [Post Failed! Network Failure !] is not very informative. Could I politely, gracefully, humbly suggest that, if possible,  a more meaningful message be shown such as [Post Failed! Illegal Text ! - c m d . e x e] (without the spaces). FYI: i got 3 messages because i pressed the Add Comment button 3 times.
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