You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Lock project page to a specific project version
652 2
peterw8102 4 years ago
I tend to 'lock' a project by creating a version when I order a PCB. I then create a new version to either fix bugs I find when I build the board or to work on a new version. The project page seems to show whatever version I'm looking at in the editor. Generally the 'latest' version is a work in progress and often broken/incomplete. I've had one person tell me they've ordered some PCBs - in practice I have no idea what they've ordered. EITHER: in project->settings  tag the latest 'working' version as the one to be shown in the project page OR: In the public project page allow the visitor to see all the versions on the project along with the description (where I tend to say the state of the board) You could do something like github so that the text displayed on the project page is also part of the project and versioned. Then if there are patches for a version 1 board that aren't required for version 2 then the documentation can change accordingly. It really needs something because right now there's no way to have any confidence on the status of a project and so who would bother using it?
UserSupport 4 years ago
Hi You can create project version. [](
peterw8102 4 years ago
I've created several versions, I know how to do that. I'm saying that the project home pages always shows the version I'm working on. There should be a way to specify which version the home page shows so I can lock it to a "released working" version rather than a second or third broken work-in-progress version.
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