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Lock Component on PCB Layout
1732 17
liosab38 7 years ago
Hello, On PCB Layout, I noticed each time I do import changes, some parts which are already in place, move to another place (always in the same new place). it's a little be boring. Do you already have this information ? Is It possible to lock the component on their place ? Rds Lio
dillon 7 years ago
Can you show same images to remark this? We should keep the unchange package( just change with the same package)
liosab38 7 years ago
Please find the two pictures : Before import changes ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20161017/5804d595d5cc5.JPG After import changes ![enter image description here][2] [2]: /editor/20161017/5804d5bf9a086.JPG The different concern the 4 holes which have been moved.... I jut do an import changes in the PCB layout. The SCH is saved and nothing have been changed between before and after import changes command. rds
andyfierman 7 years ago
@Liosab38, I think that your problem may be that if the holes are not in the schematic as components then every time you do `Import Changes...` in the PCB, then they will revert to default locations or they may even be deleted from the PCB layout. Please see this project for advice (in the schematic) about placing holes into a schematic so that they appear in the PCB even after doing an `Import Changes...` in the PCB:
dillon 7 years ago
@Liosab38 I think Andy is right.
liosab38 7 years ago
Hello, The holes are defined in my schematics and have an attached pcb footprint. I will check every thing Rds
andyfierman 7 years ago
Can you make a copy of your project public or share it privately with me at See `Sharing` in the Tutorial for how to.
liosab38 7 years ago
Hello, I found the issue. At the beginning I got 2 SCh and 2 PCB in the same project. This is generated the hole moving in the PCB. I created a second project where I placed one SCh and one PCB, and since the issue is not more present. I will share the projects with you. One of SCH have been imported from Altium. rds
liosab38 7 years ago
I created an acces control to you, You normaly find it in the Shared with me section. rds
andyfierman 7 years ago
Hi Liosab38, You might want to check who you have shared your project with because it's not in my `Shared With Me` section. * If you have fixed the problem, there is no need to share your project with me anyway. :)
liosab38 7 years ago
oups I share with with Dillon. I checked I don't have your email.... I will back to the previous configuration and keep you inform.
liosab38 7 years ago
I just got the issue again with my project. I place my hole at their final place and save it. I stop to work on it and when I will have you email, You could try on your side. You will just do import changes and look after the place the holes.
dillon 7 years ago
@Liosab38 Thanks you to share your nice porject with me, and I can see your issue. Here is midnight, our coders are on bed. Will find why, maybe your package problem, maybe EasyEDA problem. we will fix it. At present, you can remove your that mount pads, and use HOLE/PAD/VIA tools to take a place, after we find a solution, you can use it again. in this way, you don't need to wait.
liosab38 7 years ago
Ok I fully understand that you need to sleep. I am in France, and it is a personal project and I don't have any lead time to maintain. The goal is to understand what happen on your side to improve the reliability of your solution. have nice night rds
andyfierman 7 years ago
@Liosab38, My email is my username as in this post followed by the usual `@` followed by I'm in the UK so if you like I can have a look before China wakes up again. :)
liosab38 7 years ago
Hello Andyfierman, I add you on the sharing of my project. Dillon is also working on the issue. Keep contact with him to work on it. rds
dillon 7 years ago
@Liosab38 @Andyfierman Found the problem, your package has a small problem, the pad is far from origin point. Fix step. 1. Move the package's orgin to (0,0) 2. delete them at PCB. 3. import change. It is OK. Let me know your try. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20161020/58088229d3dfd.png
liosab38 7 years ago
I will do it and I keep you inform
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