You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Login Bug
2335 7
sonyvaioman 8 years ago
**BUG** Concise problem statement: Cannot remain logged in. Cannot login from editor. Steps to reproduce bug: 1. Login with Google+ on any page (not in editor) 2. Open project with Editor 3. Close Tab 4. Open project again and see that you are not logged in. 5. If you login again from project page and open editor, you are immediately logged out. 6. If you try to login from editor, it shows user logged in for a second, then shows red login button again. 6. Cannot use editor again without clearing cookies. Results: Get logged out when closing editor. Cannot login from editor. Expected results: Stay logged in when closing editor. When logging in from editor do not get immediately logged out. Should not need to clear cookies to log back in and use editor. Browser: Firefox 50.0b7
andyfierman 8 years ago
For info: Not seeing this with Firefox 49 or Chrome Version 54.0.2840.71 (64-bit) on Linux.
dillon 8 years ago
I can confirm there is some problem on the login, some one report this, we can't find a way to reproduce this problem. We will digg this.
sonyvaioman 8 years ago
Seems to be fine in Chrome 55.0 - must be firefox specific. Can't see anything in the debug console, four 404's to get tree data when opening editor (probably because got logged out and its trying to open project).
krmoyle76 8 years ago
Definitely a problem with Firefox 49.0.2. Even if I open the second page or open a link to an EASYEDA page in Firefox is will show me as logged out even though I am logged in on the original main page.
krmoyle76 8 years ago
Just tried it with Chrome 54.0.2840.99 m and the same problem. No Login on editor screen, shows as logged out when navigating through site.
koosjr 6 years ago
Problem happens again now with new Easy EDA. Particularly intrusive when I am working on a project for along time and then all of a sudden I cannot save because I don't have permission as I have been logged out in the mean time.
Tutorials 6 years ago
@koosjr Yes, we are working on it now.
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