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Looking for a friend to fix my current project.
775 2
snnqny 8 years ago
Hi, I have been looking for a friend who can help me with fixing my current project. This is a paid help request. I hired some freelancer guys in India and they completed the most parts but the device is not working even everything is correct and can not even upload bootloader or code to my Atmega328P-AU SoC. We are stuck at this point. I will share the details of the current project and PCB with the person and we are open to new offers for same idea if you have better ideas about this. The device will be used to control relay via BT or Wi-Fi, even Mobile in future. The first step we started on Bluetooth. What I need it, fixing errors on current board against bootloader/code uploading OR developing a new board from scratch. We can talk and decide on this together, I am open to offers. (Need help from start to end) Please contact me as soon as possible as we have many of projects pending and we will work on new projects with the person who helps us for this project. Thank you.
support 8 years ago
Hi, Please send an email to
snnqny 8 years ago
We already talked to you but my budget wont let me go up.
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