## Ever since I updated to the latest release (6.5.34) a few months ago, I have been experiencing a lot of bugs with the Desktop Version of EasyEDA.
## The bugs I'm experiencing are:
## 1\. Auto\-Login sometimes doesn't work when opening/restarting app\.
2\. When zooming in/out in PCB editing mode the app freezes for a few seconds while reloading all Net\-Prefixes\, which can cause the whole app to be very laggy over time\.
3\. When checking for DRC Errors in PCB editor\, with large PCB designs the app crashes completely\, making the DRC Error checking unusable\.
4\. When going to 3D\-View for PCB\, many times only a view 3D models load\, and when waiting for the rest to load it frequently logs me out of the whole app\.
5\. Component placed at e\.g\. X1\.000 / Y1\.000 moves itself to X0\.999 / Y1\.001 after a Prefix update from Sheet\.
6\. When placing new components from Symbol\-library to Sheet\, when selecting the same component for a second time the Prefix changes the the default 'U?'\. For example\, when initially selecting a Resistor with 'R?' as Prefix\, and selecting it a second time after having selected a different component\, the Prefix of the Resistor changes to 'U?'\.
7\. Overall performance is bad with low frame\-rates\.
## Are these bugs known, and will they be fixed soon? Thanks!