You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Lsm303agrtr footprint
373 3
rmvansomeren 4 years ago
Hi all, Hope you are all good. I have been designing a PCB with the LSM303AGRTR from the LCSC library. When I try to create gerber files my DRC hangs on the fact that the pad space is insufficient. When I reduce the DRC setting to 0.5mil the DRC check gives no errors. But when taking a closer look to the datasheet and the footprint it looks like the padsize of this component is not equal to what is written in the datasheet: []( Has anyone been using this footprint/library part with success? Thanks in advance!
andyfierman 4 years ago
If the Footprint is not correct to the datasheet then select it in the library, right-click on it and submit an Error  Report.
rmvansomeren 4 years ago
I have done that. I had finished my PCB when I found out. Will the error be corrected automatically? Will I be notified if the part has been updated so I am able to use it?
rmvansomeren 4 years ago
Hi, Sorry to come back to this. I have been checking many footprints, also of other parts. And almost every pad dimension in the datasheet does not match with what I have in the PCB editor. The fact that almost none of the parts are matching with the datasheet makes me believe I am missing something. Can anyone help me out? Thanks a lot.
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