You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Make development more, erm, professional
399 1
Milek Smyk 2 years ago
I was wondering if there is perhaps a chance to make the development of at least the Pro version somewhat more professional. You know, with a roadmap, regularly scheduled releases, reasonably reliable ETAs, a bug tracker, etc. Right now we are fully in the dark as to what and when to expect. Bug reports highlighting some serious deficiencies are dismissed with a reply about upcoming version 1.8, but it's been nearly three months since the last update and could be another three to go - there is no way to tell. I understand there is a language barrier to overcome, but if EasyEDA developers are serious about breaking into even the low-end of the professional market, there should be a concerted effort at improving the visibility, communication, issue tracking, and so on. User feedback should be discussed, not dismissed with "this is how things are now" (e.g. new copper area filler that misses some pad connections, or basically nonexistent versioning). Perhaps some additions to the team need to be made, perhaps priorities reallocated. Don't get me wrong - I really like the software. But there is work to be done and not all of it is coding. Just my $0.02.
UserSupport 2 years ago
Hi thanks for your suggestion the pro edition is release at China mainland first, the bug tracking and the roadmap that's not that polished than China mainland current bug report is at fourm and email, we will make a bug system in the future, and the roadmap, we development is fast, it is not very import to list a public roadmap, if you have any good idea, please let us known, we will add to todo list and the new copper area filler that misses some pad connections issue, it is a new copper logic issue, you need to change the design rule or route the track manually to connect the reason you can read here []( and basically nonexistent versioning, the pro edition is different design architecture and file format, it is hard to support the std edition project version control, and we will try to solve in next year
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