I don't know if this is the correct place to ask this but if it is here we go :)
In my oshwlab page of my project all scematics and PCB from EasyEDA get linked in automatically, and that is really nice :) (Thanks)
But currently the order on oshwlab seem to be creation order but in EasyEDA you can move the scematic order around so in my oshwlab page the order get to be a bit random after I cleaned up and made my schematics nicer by adding more pages. It would be nice if you could controll or move the order around, or maybe just use the same order as in EasyEDA, to keep the code easier, no need for a move around GUI.
For example see here
Where the sheet order now is 4,3,5,2,6,7,1 but would be nice to have it 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 as I have ordered them in EasyEDA :)
Thanks for your time, and as a beginner (first schematic/PCB design) I really love how easy it was to get me started, thanks for a great setup!