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Menus Open When Not Needed
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chrisgr99 6 years ago
I could put this as a feature request but it affects the user so often it's really a user interface bug. The menus open when you move the mouse over them, not when you click on them like normal menus.  When open they obscure the workspace and take an extra action to close.  I'd say over 99 percent of the time I see an open menu it was due to this bug, not because I wanted the menu. I very frequently need to move the mouse to the tab bar of the browser to refer to other documents.  When the pointer passes over any OpenEDA menu, even very fast, the menu flies open, stays open, and does not automatically close when the pointer returns to OpenEDA.  It's necessary to click the background to close it. This causes a lot of unnecessary user distraction and inconvenience. Working with toolbars It's rarely necessary to open a menu.  It would be no problem to have to click on a menu to open it when really needed. There are two ways to fix it: \- Require a click on a menu to open it\. \- Or at least delay auto opening a menu for a fraction of a second and don't open the menu if the mouse has departed the area of the menu before the end of that time\. If you want to keep the default UI the same then make one of these behaviors a user settable option. (Or is there an option for this?  If so I couldn't find it.)
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