You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Milling PCB
1026 1
Paul17 5 years ago
Hello, I'm new to EasyEda (using KiCad normally) and have less time at the moment. Found some interesting projects with which I want to try the pcb fabrication of JLCPCB. Can someone please help me by doing the milling/V-Cut of the different sub-boards? Here's the project. [](
andyfierman 5 years ago
Have a look at: Trace to Outline, Panelization without space; Panelization with space; in: []( and: []( Draw the outlines as rectangles with their adjacent edges overlapping. V-cuts must extend all the way across the board forming a grid so there can be no T junctions in the cut lines. Don't forget to allow a small amount of space either side of the board outline for the bevel on the board edge due to the V-cut tool.
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