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Mirror a PCB
355 2
s_fr 2 years ago
Hey Guys. I made a PCB, a backlight for an electric Kart, and I drew it left sided, but obviously I also need the same PCB for the right side. Is there a solution to mirror my whole PCB in EasyEDA Pro? It would also do the trick if I can mirror my gerber files. <br> Regards
andyfierman 2 years ago
Bit difficult to say definitely as you have not posted any images or link to a public project but... If it's through hole then just fit it upside down with the components soldered so that they are on what was originally the bottom of the board? If there are any components that cannot be fitted like this (for example, 8 pin DIP devices) or silkscreen text that forms part of the panel then you have a bigger redesign job anyway.
s_fr 2 years ago
Well I think I found the best solution as there are not that much parts on my pcb, I simply copied all the parts and placed it on the same place on the back side as they are on the front. Therefore I only have to place one order at JLCPCB, get my 5 PCBs and only place the components on the side I need. I think the result is pretty decent, the only downside is, that the THT Connector Pins are Mirrored but thats not really a big deal for me. <br> Regards ![lh.jpg](//![rh.jpg](//
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