You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
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kedllyvb 3 years ago
Hi all, NUBBIE here to get some help.. I can't find any thing on this topic anywhere so i'm asking here. I have been trying for 2 day's to get the top silk layer to matchup with the bottom layer tracks but no matter what I have tried I can't get it to work. It does mirror the components but the solder pads and holes don't move with the mirror. are these on a layer that cant be moved? What am I missing here? is there a setting in the software that I need to change? Thanks Kelly in San Antonio
andyfierman 3 years ago
"... trying ... to get the top silk layer to matchup with the bottom layer tracks..." Why? Can you explain in more detail what it is that you are trying to achieve? If this is for a single layer PCB with tracks only on the bottom and silkscreen on the top then just place the component on the top layer and do the routing on the bottom layer. That said a single layer copper PCB only makes sense if you are either hand etching it. If you're getting it made by JLCPCB or any other PCB fab house, just do it double sided. It doesn't cost any more, makes routing much easier and you'll get a professional board with plated through holes. :)
kedllyvb 3 years ago
@andyfierman I'm working with a single sided board and self ecthing. The tracks are on the bottom layer and the components are on the top silk layer. I tried to move the components to the top layer but it always keeps them on the top silk layer. Same thing if I move the components to the bottom layer, that also puts them on the the bottom silk layer. The top silk and the bottom tracks do align on top of each other but that wont work since I need the layers to face each other for the toner transfer. I have tried every possible combination and don't see any way to do this. How the heck do you folks make a double sided board and get the images lined up on both sides with this program? I think  I'm doing the same thing you all would be doing except there is no copper on the other side. I can't find anything in the tutorials or on the web that shows how to do this. You would think a program for desigining a PCB would be able to line up the layers for this procedure. There is got to be a way to do this I would think. FRUSTRATED in San Antonio
andyfierman 3 years ago
Yout project is private so only you can see it. Please make your project public and post the link to it here so we can see it to help you. Please also ensure that you have read: [](
andyfierman 3 years ago
You have to understand that when components are placed on the top side of a PCB then the silkscreen outlines and part prefixes are placed on tge Top silkscreen layer. Any copper tracks placed on the bottom side of the PCB will be on the bottom copper layer and can easily be routed between the holes in the pads for the through hole components on the top layer. If you are using surface mount parts on a self-etched board then they and their associated footprints including silkscreen will be best placed on the same layer as that of the copper. Is there sme special reason that you want to etch the board yourself, given how low the cost is of having it made by JLCPCB?
andyfierman 3 years ago
About self-etching in the Tutorial: [](
andyfierman 3 years ago
An EDA tool is a very complex piece of software. As a newbie you need to spend some time reading the documentation first and then starting off with a very simple dummy project to learn how to use the tool. Then try a project to learn how to achieve what you want using the tool. That will speed up your learning and will reduce your frustration caused by inexperience and when things don't work the way you expect.
Kelly VB 3 years ago
First of all I want to thank all for the help and reply's. I have CORRECTED my problem. I moved the pads from the multi layer to the top layer since this is a single sided board and printed the top and top silk in mirror and ALL ligned up when I put them together.face to face. I do enjoy desigining the pcb's and etching them at home. When I get to making more complicated one I will try the service here. I have tried to make this progect public but can't find the option to do that. I have followed all of what it says to do but don't see the public/private option in the share tab..
andyfierman 3 years ago
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