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Modified spoked ground planing
1162 2
MikeDB 6 years ago
Whilst it is useful to have spokes on large components when producing the ground plane, it isn't necessary on IC pins.  Would it be possible to offer a hybrid algorithm where larger components such as resistors are spoked but IC pins are connected at the full width.  This would avoid those spindly connections that look a bit fragile to say the least, and would save me having to hand route over them when finishing off the board.
cjohnson 5 years ago
I would also like this feature, to specifiy spoking per pin. It would be great to be able to specify in the plane options: "Direct (All)", "Direct (Pin Defined)", "Spoke (All)", "Spoke (Pin Defined)". In this case you would specify in your PCB libraries which pins get spoked or direct connection.
andyfierman 5 years ago
Please also see: [](
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