The feature "More than one netlabel is found in net" is very great and useful, I love it: it let's me check if all nets are ok.
Some times I need to label GND on purpose: I want to place ground to pin header to connect cable shield. In schema I place a net named SH, connected to pin header. Then I connect SH to GND. This makes the schema very readable. When I convert to pcb, BUM! There appears the warning. It makes me review the schema, which is really fine, and then I can keep going on to design PCB. The SH net appears on the PCB, which makes me remember which text should I place on PCB so the operator knows how to wire the cable.
The feature request is if maybe I could review the warning and in some way accept it, so it does not appear again and again. This way, when I click "Update PCB", I wouldn't see the warning to review nets, which makes me think "Maybe there is something wrong..." and makes me spend some time to remember "Ah! Yes, this is for the SH net...". Let's multiply it for the number of nets to connect to ground in a complex PCB, and then it is a real problem.
The actual behavior is little confusing: I want some nets to have different labels, I click update PCB, I see a warning "There are some unfinished nets" and I don't know if I did a mistake or if they are the ones on purpose. So it makes me review the schema again and again each time I update PCB. In the worst scenario, there would be a mistake in the nets but when it appears the message I could think "Ah yes, this is what I did intentionatelly, keep going on...".