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Mounting SMD leds on top of castellated pads inside of the PCB
1481 21
mariusmym 4 years ago
Hey guys, Hey <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(46, 48, 63)"> </span>[andyfierman](, So I have a small _artwork _ project where I want to mount some 1206 SMD LEDs on the top of castellated pads within the PCB  [inside of a board cutout]. Because the thickness of the PCB is 1.6mm and the width of the 1206 led is also 1.6mm I thought this should be a nice idea, BUT I'm just a noob, and this is why I ask for your opinion. I want to know if this design is feasible, and if is not, what other options do I have. Also, should I make some specific observations to JLCPCB to make this design ? Thank you in advance for your answer ! ![dfsfs.png](//
andyfierman 4 years ago
Sorry but I don't understand your screenshot. Do you mean that you want to mount your 1206 LEDs inside slots in - and at 90 degrees to - the PCB? Can you post a sketch or make an example Project, make it public (post it on OSHWlab) then post the url to it back here?
mariusmym 4 years ago
andyfierman exactly like you said ! (inside slots in - and at 90 degrees to - the PCB) I tried to make a sketch but i'm not very talented. Hope you can understand. I can post the project, there's no secret, but it will be hard to understand if you don't get what i want to achieve. Basically, is an attiny85 with some leds, placed on a christmas tree shaped PCB. The one i posted is one of them. ![WhatsApp Image 2021-01-05 at 16.34.08.jpeg](// <br> <br>
mariusmym 4 years ago
second attempt :) ![WhatsApp Image 2021-01-05 at 16.52.44.jpeg](//
andyfierman 4 years ago
@mariusmym, Got it. Let me think about it...
andyfierman 4 years ago
BTW: It should be possible to fabricate the bare PCB but I don't think you'll find anyone who can auto-assemble a PCB like that.
mariusmym 4 years ago
@andyfierman i will solder the SMD by hand (or at least this is what I wish :)) ). Is a hobby project. I'm just a hobbyist. I wanted to know your opinion, if is feasible both from PCB fabrication perspective , as well as from SMD soldering (by hand) perspective.
mariusmym 4 years ago
I was thinking that I can "fill" the hole from the castellated pad with solder then place the LED and solder them.
Markus_ee 4 years ago
Hi! JLCPCB supports castellated holes manufacturing. I also found a video on Youtube by Voltlog: [](<br> <br> Should be simple, just place a pad half outside of the board outline and tick the box to yes for castellated holes when you upload your gerbers and make your PCB order. Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
andyfierman 4 years ago
@markus_jidoka, @mariusmym, "...just place a pad half outside of the board outline..." I think the problem may be that the castellated holes are required to be on the inside edge of a larger hole that is itself inside the overall board outline. I was wondering if making a slotted multilayer pad (which would be plated through all round but then placing a slot shaped non plated Solid Region set to Board Cutout at 90 degrees to the plated though slot might be manufacturable. I don't know if JLCPCB can through plate a pad if it's split into halves separated by what is required to be an unplated gap. If not, maybe have the board made using through plated slotted pads and then manually drill them out to split them into two copper areas. That would be fiddly and both of the above ideas generate DRC errors because what are supposed to be two separate pads are in fact halves of what starts life as a single pad and so each side of the pad has to have the same pad number. it may be possible to create a dedicated PCB Footprint that has two multilayer pads and the desired hole shape for the LED to sit in. If I get time, I'll see if I can build one, post a link to it and then we can ask JLCPCB f they can handle it.
andyfierman 4 years ago
I'm assuming that part of the idea is that the light from the LEDs shines into the PCB material as opposed to just shining across the surface?
andyfierman 4 years ago
Try making a simple PCB with this footprint: EXPERIMENTAL\_INBOARD\_1206\_LED ![image.png](// assigned to the Schematic Symbol for your LED (using the Footprint Manager, search for it then assign it, check the pin mappings then click Update then Close). If doesn't have to be a functioning circuit just have a track to each pad. Then contact JLCPCB support to ask if they can fabricate it. Let us know what they say. * This is a crude first attempt which I'm sure you could improve after studying how it is made. * It generates 5 DRC errors all of which you can safely ignore for the purposes of this test. :)
andyfierman 4 years ago
Thinking about it, if a PCB with: EXPERIMENTAL\_INBOARD\_1206\_LED can be fabricated then @markus_jidoka's suggestion of just putting multilayer rectangular pads with the hole hals way across the edge of the inner hole should work TK and maybe won't generate more than 3 DRC errors. Two of the DRC errors seem to be rubbish because they are where the pads cross the Solid Region but as that is an unplated hole and not copper there is no real reason for a DRC error to be generated there.
mariusmym 4 years ago
Ok guys, So english is not my native language, and because of that some of the expressions and terms used are not that familiar. i will try to make a simple PCB with that  EXPERIMENTAL\_INBOARD\_1206\_LED footprint\, and after that contact JCLPCB to see what they say\. I will keep you updated\. @andyfierman
mariusmym 4 years ago
@andyfierman So I tried. this is the result : [](<br> <br> I even made an image of the desired result in paint, in order to better explain what i want to obtain. I will contact JLCPCB to see what they say. @andyfierman thank you for all your effort !
mariusmym 4 years ago
ME: i can provide the gerber from easyEDA, but i want to be sure that the CUTOUT can be made by your factory Zoe (JLCPCB) : please kindly put the CUT OUT in the GKO (outline ) layer and then we will help to cut out it as per your file \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- i don't know what that means ....
mariusmym 4 years ago
Ok guys, so I sent a mail with the GERBER files. I'm waiting for their reply.
mariusmym 4 years ago
@andyfierman this is the replay i had from JLCPCB (see first img). I think i will place an order and see what i will receive. In the JLCPCB chat i had the same answer at first (that is ok) , but when i send the image with what i want to achieve (see second img) to the support agent he said it CAN'T be done. ![Untitled.png](// desired result pic: ![desired result.jpg](//
andyfierman 4 years ago
* Be careful to explain that you are asking if: 1. JLCPCB can manufacture a bare PCB and 2. **not** if they can **assemble** LEDs onto it like the way you show in the 2nd image. The JLCPCB agent may be saying yes to (1) and no to (2).
mariusmym 4 years ago
well... i will place an order and see what happens :). Now i have to add the final touches to your footprint, and redo the PCB.
andyfierman 4 years ago
@mariusmym, You could try using simpler rectangular multilayer pads with the hole halfway across the edge of the solid region to create the castellated pads that you first asked about. [](<br> <br> ![image.png](// :)
mariusmym 4 years ago
I can do that, but be sure that i won't pay the price for those :D ! I'll keep u updated with whatever i will order and receive.
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