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Move Trace as-is if both ends are connected to parts being moved
673 5
EdHayes3 3 years ago
I have a problem I constantly run into. If I'm moving a bunch of parts by selecting them and dragging them, the trace which connects them deforms as only the ends move along with the parts.. It would be nice if 1. When dragging parts 2. Find connected traces 3. If all parts of traces are connected only to the parts that are being dragged 4. Make the entire trace move as-is, without deforming. This would be of GREAT help. Thanks!
UserSupport 3 years ago
You can use arrow key to move the parts
EdHayes3 3 years ago
I'd like the traces that are attached to them to move with the parts. The use case: If I have a bunch of parts I've already linked together with traces, and I need some space next to them, I need to move the group. But it's very difficult to do so because I have to pretty much re-connect them all, which takes quite a bit of time.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@EdHayes3, Can you post an animated gif to illustrate this point? Thanks.
EdHayes3 3 years ago
Here's a few examples of trying to drag groups of objects, and the unintended consequences. Sorry I'm not an expert at this GIF making/converting. ![Screen Recording 2021-06-24 at 10.50.13 AM, Jun 24 (3).gif](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
@EdHayes3, @UserSupport, That's fine. It shows the issue very well thanks. :)
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