Hi All,
I've got a board with over 200 LEDs on it and need to position them using code. I have a list of positions and rotations but can't work out how to do this in code.
I can fetch the board using var board = api('getSource', {type: "json"}); and looking at the object, FOOTPRINT seems to be the area where my LEDs are stored but with a strange name (first is gge0c458c32494ef67c).
Where (or how) can I find the position of LED1 and once found change it's position and angle?
Or, is there a different API call to move/rotate objects? Looks like I need to use moveObjsTo but how do I find the name of the objects I need to move?
I've tried api('moveObjsTo', {objs:[{gId:"LED1"}], x:20, y:20}); but think the name of the object is not LED1.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Edit, I've shared the project publicly (I think) under my user name (pommie). I think the URL is [https://oshwlab.com/pommie/tic-tac-toe](https://oshwlab.com/pommie/tic-tac-toe)<br>