Hi there,
I created a PCB from a Schematic. Auto-Routed. Then made some changes to component pin spacing on PCB level without changing the package as such. I then Auto-Routed again to get everything neat.
I have subsequently realized however that I made a few mistakes, where I connected a track (NET) to the wrong pin of some components. This on my original Schematic.
I have fixed this at Schematic level, however if I try to update my PCB it messes things up. It moves some of my connectors (which properties was not changed at PCB level) out of the active area and it also changes the pin spacing of the components I did edit at PCB level. It becomes messy and I will have to redo a lot of work to fix this.
Is there a way I can move a NET in PCB level? If I simply move the track, the thin blue line (un-routed NET) indicating the original link as per original (incorrect) Schematic appears.
Thank you