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Multi-Pad / Different Sized Resistor Footprint
846 3
billbrach 3 years ago
Hello, first time poster.  I have an application where the wattage of a resistor, will not be known until the the device is put into service.  It could be all the way from a 1/4 watt up to a 2 watt unit. I have designed a footprint with 4 holes, to accommodate these sized resistors.  The inner set are for 1/4 and 1/2 watt units, and the outer holes are for 1 and 2 watt units. The issue I'm having is the 2 sets of holes, do not behave like a usual 2 holed resistor footprint, in that the Design Rule Check.throws lots of clearance errors because, I'm assuming, the 2 holes and track at each end of my footprint , don't act as one net.  Pads were placed with the PCB Pad tool and the blue tracks were placed with the Track tool, while designing the footprint. Can this be done in EasyEDA ?? I have a work-around but it is really ugly. Thanks !! ![Screenshot from 2021-06-11 08-26-24.png](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
This should get you on the right track: [,everyone%20who%20uses%20that%20Footprint](,everyone%20who%20uses%20that%20Footprint). You can use the procedure to correct your dual/multi-option Footprint. Another possible way to deal with multiple fitting options is to place one of each option in the schematic in parallel and mark one as Convert to PCB =Yes and Add into BOM = Yes but mark the rest Convert to PCB = Yes and Add into BOM  = No. Then when you do Convert to PCB or Update PCB, a Footprint for each option is pulled into the PCB.
billbrach 3 years ago
Andy, The 2 things that worked for me were: 1.  Right-click on the copper between the pads and then Convert to Pads. 2\. Assign the same pad \# to both adjacent pads and the copper in between them\. Thanks !!
andyfierman 3 years ago
@billbrach, You're welcome. :)
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