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Multi-part component placement
2014 2 5 years ago
I'm trying to place a TL084 quad op amp in my schematic. From the Search Libraries dialog (Shift+F) I find the component, which has 4 sub-parts: ![image.png](// If I select the circled item and then "Place", I will end up inserting multiple copies of the first part of the multi-part component. If I select the first sub-part, then Place, I also end up inserting multiple copies of the first part. What am I doing wrong?
andyfierman 5 years ago
Click on TL084CRD.1 to place the first device. Click on TL084CRD.2 to place the second device. Click on TL084CRD.3 to place the third device. Click on TL084CRD.4 to place the fourth device. You will find some parts have an extra symbol just for the power pins to make it less cluttered by allowing the device power pins and associated decoupling to be moved off into a clear area. ![image.png](//
Reply 5 years ago
I see. It's kind of a pain to keep that big window open, but if I shrink it down using the button in the title bar, that works nicely. Thanks, a
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