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Multi-Select and change properties
2832 6
koosjr 9 years ago
There are many times where one needs to change properties of multiple elements to the same thing. For example: Say I have 10 tracks and want to change all the widths from 0.5mm to 1.0mm. At the moment, one needs to select each component and adjust individually. Would it be possible to have a feature where one can select all 10 tracks and change the property to apply to all at once?
dillon 9 years ago
Yes, this is on the TODO list, now you can use script to do this.
eric 8 years ago
Now we can select multiple targets which are same type (tracks, pads, etc.), then change the properties of them.
curtis_egan 7 years ago
This would be great to have a multi select option in PCB, to move parts around. The selection of parts now to move around is very clunky.
andyfierman 7 years ago
@Curtis_egan, But you can already do that. Hold the CTRL key down then Left-click Select multiple parts. * Left-click and drag to move all the selected parts. * Rotate works on the whole group and now rotates them about the centroid of the group. * The selected group can be Layer Swapped too.
rafael2884hd 7 years ago
@andyfierman but thats not fast enough
Juliannn 4 years ago
Is it now possible to select multiple parts of a continuous track at once? Or how to select all tracks using scripts?
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