You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Multi select PCB / Schematic elements?
3436 5
martin 10 years ago
Maybe I just haven't found the right hotkey for this, but can we not add to the selection of elements in a PCB or schematic by CTRL clicking on individual elements? If not, I would say this should be something of a priority...
dillon 10 years ago
Hi Martin, We really support this, do you have any problems? Check the help file about Select more shapes
andyfierman 10 years ago
**Ctrl+click** on items in any canvas (schematic, symbol, PCB, footprint) adds those items to the selection. All those items can then be moved by clicking on any one of them and dragging them with the mouse cursor. This will also drag any wires attached to them items. They can also be moved without dragging any wires using the arrow keys. * However, please be aware that trying to move them all by selecting the **Drag** hand from the **Drawing Tools** toolbar overwrites this selection and moves only the item it is applied to.
martin 10 years ago
Ah! Indeed, works on Windows. I _think_ I tried all sorts of key combinations on my Mac at home, and none worked. I will confirm later.
dillon 10 years ago
Hi Martin, Please help to test the hotkeys of Mac, We can't offer a Mac now, just Linux and Windows. Thanks.
martin 10 years ago
Hey Dillon, looks like wasted bandwidth on my part. Confusion arised from using a PC keyboard on my Mac. I have to use the Windows key instead of CTRL (thought I'd tried that!). So all works, as on this keyboard, Windows Key = Cmd key on Mac keyboard.
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