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Multiple Isolated Grounds
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cjohnson 4 years ago
Not aware if this is possible in EasyEDA, so this would be a feature request. When designing isolated/flyback/transformer power supplies, the need arises to have separate ground planes. ![image.png](// In this schematic from an MP6002, the MP6002 has its own ground separate from the output side ground. It would be nice if when placing the ground symbols if we could somehow separate them. ![image.png](//
andyfierman 4 years ago
The simplest way to do this would be to make the netname attribute of the ground symbols editable. That could however cause no end of problems with users mistaking grounds. A more robust way might be for the user to make their own symbols for any 'ground' that is not the default GND or 0V ground and for which any arbitrary net name could be applied.
cjohnson 4 years ago
@andyfierman I think you can change the name of the standard ground symbol (which I believe changes the NET, but I have not tested it yet.
P Garrity 4 years ago
I have the same problem to solve. I am using optocouplers in my design. I renamed two grounds GND and GND2, they seem to combine on the PCB view. I've created a simple schemactic []( This shows that the GND and GND2 are independent , the autorouter didn't combine them. Zoom in on the PCB to see the different grounds on the tracks. Hope that helps a little.
cjohnson 4 years ago Interesting. I'm going to rename mine to IN_GND and leave the other as ground and see how the layout goes. Thanks for the help
Jean-Pierre Reijerse 4 years ago
Thank you P.Garrity, This solved also my problem in a PWM modulator, with independant powersources. Called them GND and GND2, how simple can it be. It drove me Crazy solving this. Thanks a lot Jean-PIerre pa1jpr
cjohnson 4 years ago
@jeanpierre53 Also solved my problem thanks all!
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