You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Multiples Inner board outline cut-out
4169 15
viniciusmay 7 years ago
Good morning everyone! I am new to the forum but I have experience with the development of PCB (cad Eagle). Recently I discovered the EASY-EDA platform and started to study the platform. I'm developing a circular PCB that has internal slits (2 arched slits). And when I create the copper area, the following message appears on the display: "EasyEDA does not allow inner board outlines cut-out, please use SOlidRegion or HOLE". The point is that I used the Board-Outiline layer to draw the intended traits; because previously, when I used the Top layer, when clicking on the previous PCB preview, the features were not really 'pierced' - the demarcated site was only copper free. Can anybody help me? I have urgency in this delivery! ![PCB][1] ![PCB][2] [1]: /editor/20171112/5a085c9fb5b13.png [2]: /editor/20171112/5a085cd184810.png
andyfierman 7 years ago
@vinicius_7715, Welcome to EasyEDA. The tool you need to do this is the `Solid Region` in the PCBTools floating palette. ![enter image description here][1] Sorry but it's a bit clunky for drawing arbitrary shapes. :) Then draw the rough shape of the cutout, edit the points by moving the green circles to move the existing vertices and the blue circles to add more vertices (double clikc the green ones to delete) and then set the `Type` attribute to `NPTH` (Non-Plated Through Hole): ![enter image description here][2] [1]: /editor/20171113/5a08a1b1af860.png [2]: /editor/20171113/5a08a3070ef47.png
viniciusmay 7 years ago
Hi! Thank's for help-me! =)
viniciusmay 7 years ago
![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20171113/5a09bffa204a3.png Congratulations !!!!
andyfierman 7 years ago
vinicius_7715, Glad we could help you out!
viniciusmay 7 years ago
Hi guys! how are you? So! I'm finish my pcb project and i want to produce 30 unts. In my project i have a circular pcb, but in gerber generation the pcb has a square botton side (although an area delimited for a pcb is of the circular type). All that's ok? Or i have to modificate my pcb botton side layout? Ps.: The paymment has been finished.
viniciusmay 7 years ago
![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20171123/5a16bedcf20e8.png This is a gerber viwer on botton layout! Note that the demilitarization of the pcb is in circular format =)
andyfierman 7 years ago
As long you generated Gerbers from a PCB design that has a circular board outlinethen it should be OK. ** I recommend you email this question directly to Support because if you have made the payment then it is may already be too late to make any changes. **
Tutorials 7 years ago
@vinicius_7715 Hi Your gerber looks is a circular PCB, can you give me this gerber view link?
viniciusmay 7 years ago
> Blockquote I recommend you email this question directly to Support because if you have made the payment then it is may already be too late to make any changes. I sended e-mail to company! > Blockquote Hi Your gerber looks is a circular PCB, can you give me this gerber view link? This is a "particular" project. But i upload the gerber.!id=8081bee9d05211e79ed5026a86b9cae7
viniciusmay 7 years ago
I think it's all right! I entered the site "" and uploaded my gerber generated by easyeda and everything went as expected! See the image below ... ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20171123/5a16ce50e6896.png
viniciusmay 7 years ago
Note that the borders of the botton layer are following the circumference of the pcb! So, is everything ok? ![enter image description here][1] This morning I sent the production request and then sent the e-mail to "". What should I do now? I think it's all right. [1]: /editor/20171123/5a16d03764f0f.png
viniciusmay 7 years ago
Please! Somebody help-me!!!!
andyfierman 7 years ago
I can't say for sure if it's OK because I don't work in the PCB fab. You need to get confirmation from support.
viniciusmay 7 years ago
So I e-mailed them, as I wrote. I'm waiting for them to answer me!
Bagunda 6 years ago
Hi. How is it going with your PCB? Can you take a photo?
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