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My GND Ways Are Gone After Copper Area!!
900 6
Ahmet.Aksoy 5 years ago
This time i connected my PCB without Auto Router and after connecting everything i used Copper Area. All my GND traces are gone now. I used H1 as a SMD Header, and i only used 2 pins of it because i want to give 12V to the left pin and GND to the right pin. So only 2 pins will be useful for my battery connection to header, the other pins won't be used. My circuit is only SMD components circuit and also only "Top Layer", so why my GND traces have disappeared after Copper Area operation? What should i do now? Here comes my PCB Layouts without and with Copper Area: ![PCB6.png](// ![Coppered PCB6.png](//
andyfierman 5 years ago
Your ground traces are all still there. It's just that they're covered in the ground copper area. Hover the mouse over the copper flooded areas and the ground tracks will light up.
Ahmet.Aksoy 5 years ago
I made my traces thicker now, 0.3mm all of them. Here comes some questions related the above pictures: 1) First picture, not coppered one, one of my traces going out of R3 just passes from the middle of R2. Can it be neglected, or am i doing something terrible by placing a trace in the middle of R2? 2) Should i destroy my SMD 10-pin female header, which i only used 2 pins in order to give 12V DC and GND, and use pad/via instead of it? Can i give 12V DC from one pad/via and GND from other pad/via? Or should my female header okay for this circuit to work? 3) Thank you, now i have seen my ground tracks in the coppered board. But should i do anything about it, or does everything seem okay?
andyfierman 5 years ago
2) You don't need a 10 pin header for 2 wires. Replace it with a 2 pin header in the schematic then do update PCB and solder wires to the two through hole pads that will be pulled into the PCB. 1) & 3) you are asking questions about a bad layout. Fix the layout first then worry about the specifics. You need to rotate L1 90 degrees to make the track from ic1 pin2 shorter and flow better. Keep the tracks between ic1, L1, c3, led1 and r4 short and as wide as possible. Same for pin1 ic1, R1, SW1, H1. Keep maximum copper by using ground copper area and try not to break it up with too many tracks. Keep all tracks short and direct. Use the fact that you have a 2 layer PCB to route tracks on the bottom layer too.
Ahmet.Aksoy 5 years ago
Thanks a lot for your advices. But should i use "pads or vias" if i want to use both SMD and through hole components together in one PCB? What is the difference?
andyfierman 5 years ago
See: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Elements\_of\_a\_simple\_PCB\-e42c7b2a4e17449f821a97d04806aeeb](
Ahmet.Aksoy 5 years ago
Thanks a lot :)
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