You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
NOOB: I'm having extremely difficulty obtaining the I vs V graph I want, help appreciated
1007 16
Dan Muller 4 years ago
I can't seem to make my project public, so here's screenshots. I only get graphs of Id vs Vg when I actually want Id vs Vds. I've been trying .probe, .print, anything I can find on the forum --to no avail. ![Untitled.png](//'m trying to do my lab for class, but I can't access any materials because the building is shut down, so I'm trying to learn EasyEDA. Thank you. ![Untitled.png](//
andyfierman 4 years ago
If you have only just joined EasyEDA then there's a minimum time and work milestone you have to  pass before you can make any project public (there are posts about it in the forum). The Voltmeter no longer functions ( I have asked for it to be reinstated but too many other more urgent things need doing). To measure a voltage with respect to ground, just use a Voltage probe. To measure a differential voltage, use the DIFF V_Probe plus a voltage probe. **First**: Please read (3) in (2) in: []( **Then** have a play with a copy of the MOSFET Curve Tracer: [](
Dan Muller 4 years ago
@andyfierman Wow, thank you! Shame I hadn't managed to find your educational tab, I wouldn't have wasted your time. Such a fast reply too, thanks again for helping me get started!
Dan Muller 4 years ago
@andyfierman Okay, I'm sorry, but I'm still struggling. No matter what I do I still get two separate lines instead of one for Ix vs Vd (I removed Vgs from the sweep so this image would be simpler). Could you please advise? ![Untitled.png](//
andyfierman 4 years ago
Please make your project public so I can see it to help. BTW, my "Educational" folder was just made to show you how to do it. It's based on an earlier attempt which didn't work because of the limitations of the earlier WaveForm viewer and issues with using Nspice instead of LTspice. I have posted hundreds of sims but most have to updated to run with LTspice (usually just needs a . (dot) in front of the tran statement and it rearranging for the LTspice format and another . in front of any probe statements). I think about half of them in the Tutorial now run out-of-the-box again.
andyfierman 4 years ago
You need to use the syntax of the .dc statement in my example to sweep the VGS and the VDD supplies in the same sim. You also need to use smaller steps for the VDD sweep to avoid that linear ramp up and the sharp corner in Id vs VDD. :)
Dan Muller 4 years ago
@andyfierman Okay, it let me make it public! [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#mode=sim\,id=\|60c0975c2a594cb59eba8d0a363fe82b\|89eee291500746049f1633ffecfe1a5d](,id=|60c0975c2a594cb59eba8d0a363fe82b|89eee291500746049f1633ffecfe1a5d)
andyfierman 4 years ago
Oh yes, sorry I'd forgotten about that. You've obviously been busy enough to get past the milestone.
andyfierman 4 years ago
You'll have to post the project url not the url to all the sheets. Don't know why but I can only open the project on a phone. I will be offline for a few hours from now. Have a careful read of the sim tutorial and play with the examples.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Try installing LTspice locally: that way there's no max sims limits ( but you have to learn a whole new tool but hey!)
Dan Muller 4 years ago
@andyfierman [,id=60c0975c2a594cb59eba8d0a363fe82b](,id=60c0975c2a594cb59eba8d0a363fe82b) try that. I'm supposed to use Orcad, but it's a 20GB download and I don't have space on my laptop. Thanks for helping :)
andyfierman 4 years ago
Orcad uses Pspice which is a still pretty mediocre simulator. Mentor pump it into schools and colleges at loss leading prices and then students come out into industry ready to use it in companies who pay through the nose for it. But there's a lot of places now using LTspice. It's free, runs on OS X and Windows natively and almost seamlessly on Linux using Wine and runs pretty much any unencrypted models. Ngspice is excellent too. That's what EasyEDA used to use. It's FOSS and has some really good features but is still quite buggy and dies not converge as well as LTspice in real applications.
andyfierman 4 years ago
@danielryanmuller, FYI: This is how you share a public project: ![image.png](// Copy and paste the highlighted link. :)
andyfierman 4 years ago
Looks like you've got it working OK now. BTW, your link: [,id=60c0975c2a594cb59eba8d0a363fe82b](,id=60c0975c2a594cb59eba8d0a363fe82b) is good because it opens in SIM mode whereas the link to the project always opens by default in STD mode.
Dan Muller 4 years ago
@andyfierman It's still graphing the lines separately for me. I want 6 lines, but I have twice as many. Are you saying LTSpice would just do that much easier?
andyfierman 4 years ago
If you mean like this: ![image.png](// then just open the Waveform Config dialogue and hide the V(vds) trace. Or delete the DIFF_V_Probe and the voltage probe connected to it. The I(Vxid) curves are the classic Drain Current vs. VDD vs. stepped VGS that you see in datasheets. e.g. Fig 5 in: []( But don't be too alarmed if the models aren't exactly the same as the datasheet... Part of the skill in modelling and simulation is in having a good feel for when an model is good enough for the task in hand. :)
andyfierman 4 years ago
LTspice has better plotting options. It's a standalone installation so it can't access the EasyEDA models and symbols but you can run any EasyEDA netlist in it so you can draw your sim in EasyEDA then Export the LTspice netlist to run it in LTspice for better plotting options. At some point there may be an LTspice schematic import reintroduced to EasyEDA but it's some way down the priorities list at the moment.
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