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Need help about nets and designing
839 2
# **this is my schematic & i know this is not a good design. but i need to know about this net error and how to contact this parts with the wire.. please help me to fix this** **As i think any single part is not connected with the wiring. i don't know how to do that. please help** ![qqqqq.jpg](// **This is what i see in 1st net** ![wwww.jpg](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
Sorry but your schematic is almost unreadble. For some guidance on how draw a readable schematic please read (2.2) in (2) in: []( At the moment your project is private and offline so only you can access it but since you have published the whole schematic as an image there would seem to be no reason for you not to make your project public and publish a link to it so that everyone can see it to help you. If you have a ground net in your circuit, use the same ground symbol for it everywhere and do not add other net names, net labels or other symbols to it which may rename the net. For example you appear to have named the same net GND, 5V- (which it is not: it is GND or 0V) and COM. You have not included any connector symbols so none of the power and other off-board connections have any means of getting transferred to wires off the PCB. Therefore the wires that you want to go off-board do not have any connections on them do so and therefore nets like 5vSigIn have only the one connection (in this case to the right hand end of R1. And that is what the DRC error is telling you. Some of the other DRC warnings will be for the same type of error but others may be warnings of multiple netlabels on the same net such as GND/ 5V-/COM. Some of the other DRC warnings will be for device pins that you have not attached Not Connected (green X) symbols to. There will be other warnings but without sight of your projects it is not possible to see. You need a flyback catch diode across the relay coil to stop the back emf destroying Q3 when it runs off. There may be one built into the relay: check the datasheet and if yes, check the polarity of your connections to the coil. Q3 and Q4 are upside down and Q3 will short D2 (GPIO0) to one base emitter drop above ground when it goes high this may be OK if you have set the D2 pin as an output with a resistive pullup but not if it is set and a push-pull or totem pole output: you need a resistor in series with Q3 base. You have a series connected reverse polarity protection diode prefixed as U3 (which should be prefixed D for diode) but it is impossible to see how it is actually connected.
andyfierman 3 years ago
You willsave yourself - and others who may try to help you - a lot of time and trouble by reading the whole of: [](
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