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Need to remove and isolate specific wires from a NET or NETS in Schematic, just cannot find the solution.
706 3
RWB_UK 1 year ago
Hello Everyone :) I've not used Easy EDA for a couple of years, returning after a break and having problems with NETS. The design below for some reason ended up having various wires connected to the same NET. In other design programs you just select the wire and give it a new NET NAME and hey presto it gets isolated but in EasyEDA i cannot find this option. I'm wondering if this feature is only available in the PRO version unless i've missed something in the Standard edition which i'm using. The power connections +3.3v and ground are on the same NET and the wire between Pin.3 of Con.1 and Pin.6 of the large IC should also be on it's own Net. Any help on how to separate these wires into separate Nets / Networks will be much appreciated Ron ![mess.jpg](//
andyfierman 1 year ago
The reason that the 3.3V and GND nets appear connected is because at some point you have, no doubt unintentionally, either explicitly joined them by wiring them together or you have placed a 3.3V netflag on a GND net segment or a GND symbol on a 3.3V net segment. It is not however possible to see how the 3.3V and GND nets have been  connected together because your screenshot does not show the whole schematic. Your project is private so only you can see it. Please  post back with sufficient information from which to diagnose the issue. Please see: [](
andyfierman 1 year ago
Note that connectivity in the schematic can be defined by any combination of wires, netlabels, netflag or net port symbols. For example, placing a netlabel or a netflag marked as 3.3V on a wire defines it as a 3.3V net. Placing a netflag marked as GND on a wire and attaching a netlabel marked as 3.3V would give the net two different names and would result in exactly the 3.3V / GND warning that you are seeing in your Schematic Design Manager Nets section. Clicking on each of the Net Pins listed in the lower left of the Schematic Design Manager will help you locate the source of the short.
RWB_UK 1 year ago
@andyfierman Hi Andy Thanks for your contribution but this is now resolved. I switched to EasyEDA PRO and the Net features are more to my understanding. The PRO Version has Net control that matches other design tools that i've used in the past, a welcome upgrade thanks to EasyEDA. Thanks Ron
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