I am relatively new to EasyEDA, but I do feel comfortable with it by now. I am running into an issue when placing a wire in the schematic editor. It seems that EasyEDA is creating a net that connects way too many components together, components that shouldn't be connected. For example, two ends the same resistor are connected in this net, shorting the resistor. Unrelated parts of the circuit are connected in the net. I have tried deleting the wires and rewiring, deleting and replacing the components, even replacing the wire with a net flag, but every time it groups the same components together in an incorrect net. I have shared the project so you can take a look. The net that is causing problems is "C3_1". You will see that the wire is connecting way too many things. Since I am still a relative beginner with this software, I am not sure that it is a bug or I am just doing something incorrectly. Please feel free to take a look. Thank you.
Edit: I cannot actually share the project, oshwlab keeps telling me that I have not edited the project for at least a half hour to share the project even though I have
![Screen Shot 2022-03-09 at 12.09.13 AM.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/mx6LQw3CUd0Ryw8er78FqDGEg85dYBsRcVrZgp4E.png)