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Net Flag Text Custom location
1192 8
Anton Albert 5 years ago
the need to relocate a netflag text without dragging the wire along with it. Aligning the text and net flag position is critical - please let it be floating around the point where it is flagged so it can be positioned and rotated freely
andyfierman 5 years ago
"Aligning the text and net flag position is critical" That is true but I don't understand the reason for your request. * The text of **Net Flags** and **Net Ports** can be moved and rotated separately from the Net Flag symbol. * A **Net Label** must be attached to the net to which it applies. Therefore the text that comprises that net label must be positioned close to the net to which it applies. * A combination of X, Y and R hotkey operations applied sequentially to a selected **Net Label** allow a variety of text locations and orientations to be achieved. If it is not possible to place a Net Flag/Port/Label so that it is clearly readable and it is also clear to which net it applies then there are two options, which can be used singly or together: 1. Redraw the affected area of the schematic to allow for greater clarity. Remember that a schematic can be spread over more than one sheet; 2. Replace connections directly drawn using wires that are labelled with wires to each end node (i.e. pin on a schematic symbol), extended into a clear areas of the schematic with a Net Flag/Port/Label attached to the free end of the wire. Remember that the connectivity of the schematic is defined by the Net Flags/Ports/Labels, whether they are the net names automatically applied as a result of the connectivity defined by the wire placement or by Net Flags/Ports/Labels manually applied to each node of the schematic.
Anton Albert 5 years ago
![netflagves.jpg](// As seen on the image, the netflag is the grey dot on the line in the orange circle - the tag is red, named "RE3..." now - none of the alignment tools do anything to change the position of the tag, only rotate and flip does anything. I can not click and drag the tag in relation to the grey dot (the netflag) but the position is critical for the diagram readability
andyfierman 5 years ago
"I can not click and drag the tag in relation to the grey dot (the netflag) but the position is critical for the diagram readability" For it to be of any use to a human reader, the text of the netlabel needs to be close to the wire to which it is attached. You can move the netflag to a different location on the wire. If there is insufficient room to do this then, as explained above you have two options: 1. Redraw the affected area of the schematic to allow for greater clarity;  2. Use shorter wires terminated with net labels to replace connections directly drawn using wires with net labels attached to them. See: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/bus\_across\_2\_schematics\-64e86b65e3bd4e35afcc7f0e51f46d73]( It might be possible to have the text of the netlabel removed from the attachment point and shown linked to it using some sort of line or arrow but that would probably make the schematic even more cluttered and hard to read.
Anton Albert 5 years ago
in KiCad the label text is WAY closer to the dot and functions as intended - there's nothing I can see preventing Easys' developers from tightening the gap between the dot and the text, aligning the text on the dotted lines in stead of so far away, it is too far away and I believe we can all agree that the text is too far away - all other methods aside.  this is a simple feature that should be addressed accordingly, it should function, behave and look similarly to other schematic programs rather than being different from other programs "just because".. there is no reason for it to be this way. it can be changed, and should.
Anton Albert 5 years ago
![netflagves1.2.jpg](//  .. we can all see the problem, and sometimes redrawing or repositioning wires is a huge inconvenience.  in the image above - the VSS label should sit ON the red dotted line alongside the dot.
andyfierman 5 years ago
* I have raised this as a Bug Report:  * []( * because after playing around with X, Y and R keys I can see that there **is** an issue with repeated R followed by Y with vertical text causing the netlabel text to wander off from the netlabel anchor point. Initial placement: ![image.png](// After an X keystroke: ![image.png](// Another X keystroke: ![image.png](// After a Y keystroke: ![image.png](// After an X Keystroke: ![image.png](// Another an X and then a Y keystroke: ![image.png](// These positions persist after any number of X and Y keystrokes in any order: ![image.png](// After several more X and Y key strokes in no particular order, back where we started: ![image.png](// However do a single R (rotate) keystroke: ![image.png](// and then follow it with an X keystroke: ![image.png](// then R: ![image.png](// R followed by Y: ![image.png](// After some more R and then, with the text vertical doing Y: ![image.png](// And then some more X, Y and R: ![image.png](// and: ![image.png](// and: ![image.png](// and after lots of R and then Y with vertical text you can get to: ![image.png](//
Anton Albert 5 years ago
yup, I've had this problem occur on numerous occations - thanks for making a bug report!
UserSupport 5 years ago
@anton.aae @andyfierman Got it , we will fix it at v6.3 Thanks
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