You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
New PCB Footprint Not Found
566 2
peternarbus 4 years ago
Hello - Please help.  I create a new pcb footprint, and save it, and it does not show in my library.  I've read the forum and tried everything.  Please help. Thank you,
mrtom528 4 years ago
Open the Footprint Manager using Tools > Footprint  Manager Click the 'Select' tab in the top right hand corner. (Default is 'Search' tab.) Click inside the 'Tabs' dropdown box. (Yeah, I know, go with it...) The dropdown will eventually open, be patient, and in it will be a folder of your libraries called 'My Libraries'. Under that is 'All' it. You should now have a list of every footprint you've created, and from here you can select one to use. _ Failing that I dunno, this works for me so it's what I do. _ Regards.
peternarbus 4 years ago
OK.  Got it.  That works.  It seems it takes a while for a new footprint to show up in the list...
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