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New features
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oskarbalcerzak 6 years ago
I want these new features: Unlimited inner layers Vias with any lenght and set of layers (including buried vias) Pad and Via skips Jumpers Automatic component value on board show Wavy tracks Vias without hole Laser engraved PCBs with clearance of 1mil or finer SPICE emulation Bus hookups in schematic
UserSupport 6 years ago
Hi Unlimited inner layers _\>After next two big version we will provide 32 inner layers, the unlimited inner layers it is impacted by browsers capability\, not programs\._ Vias with any lenght and set of layers (including buried vias) _\>We won't provide the buried vias\, it isn't on the road map\._ Pad and Via skips _\>Need more detail_ Jumpers _\>Please use the pins connector_ Automatic component value on board show _\>Need more detail_ Wavy tracks \>Under developing Vias without hole _\>Please use top or bottom layer pad_ Laser engraved PCBs with clearance of 1mil or finer _\>JLCPCB capabilities?_ SPICE emulation _\>Supported_ Bus hookups in schematic _\>Supported_
oskarbalcerzak 6 years ago
* [ ] I want these changes to PCB editor: * [ ] Routing Width without value restrictions * [ ] Automatic package generation * [ ] Multi-package components * [ ] Blind, buried and partial vias * [ ] Embedded components * [ ] Crosstalk simulation * [ ] Ability to place via on SMT or BGA pad * [ ] Single-sided TH pads * [ ] Separate PadsTop, PadsBottom, PadsPlated and Via layers instead of Multi-Layer layer * [ ] Multi-board designs * [ ] Multi-board nets * [ ] Bus routing * [ ] Inner copper pour * [ ] External components
oskarbalcerzak 6 years ago
@UserSupport You have a typo in your comments
oskarbalcerzak 6 years ago
@UserSupport You have a typo in your comment
oskarbalcerzak 6 years ago
I want these new features in schematic designer: * [ ] Multi-symbol components edition * [ ] Pin layout assistance * [ ] Bus pins * [ ] Ability to program emulation engine * [ ] Component customization
UserSupport 6 years ago
Hi PCB: Routing Width without value restrictions > You can route 1mil width tracks, how small width do you want? Automatic package generation > We want to help users to create all common package, the users can use them directly without re-design, only few special package need to design, but that can't be generated by footprint wizard. Multi-package components > You can copy a symbol and re-update the package. we thought that one component should assign one package, different package should create different part and use different name to seperate them. Blind, buried and partial vias > We won't support this, it doesn't on the road map. Embedded components > SMT assembly? or this? Crosstalk simulation > Our simulation base on the open source simulation tool : Spice simulation. Not sure that if will be supported, but we will try in the future. Ability to place via on SMT or BGA pad > Same to package generation. you can try this footprint wizard: Single-sided TH pads > Signle layer pad and place a hole? Separate PadsTop, PadsBottom, PadsPlated and Via layers instead of Multi-Layer layer > Please use signle layer pad to combine. Can you tell me what situation will using these pads? Multi-board designs > Will support this in the future Multi-board nets > Multi-board network connection? Bus routing > Are you want to find this? > if you mean that is multi-route in the same time, we have added this to the to do list, not sure that if will be implement. Inner copper pour > Will support this in the future External component > Need more detail Schematic: Multi-symbol components edition > Subparts? Pin layout assistance > EasyEDA library's pin number must match the package's pad number, when they match, you change the pin layout what you want. Bus pins > This? Ability to program emulation engine > Spice simulation as above Component customization > Create personal library? Sorry for my bad English. I hope it will not let you do not know what I mean. Thanks
junlakan67 6 years ago
I want the following feature: 1. Breadboard and Arduino block code. Why? -Because this feature is for everyone **without** (or with) a soldering iron who want to build a circuit without soldering or use with a microcontroller board like Arduino. 2.Track to Track jumper like this: ![EasyEDA - A Simple and Powerful Electronic Circuit Design Tool (3).jpg](// Why? Because this feature is for DIY PCB (or single layer/beginner/cheap industrial board). This feature should be in PCB tool. 3.Perfboard Style PCB. Why? -Because this feature is for who don't have much money (less than $2) but want to build a circuit on perfboard. This feature will provide track guideline for perfboard's track. 4.Resistor color code calculator. Why I want this feature? -Because if yuo have to convert breadboard diagram into SCH or you have many resistor but you aren't kmow the color code,This feature wil help you. 5.Solderable track. Why? -Because the Top/BottomSolderMasLayer Don't connect Pad to Pad. This Feature should be in the track option like this: Solderable? Yes/No. -Have your ever teardown Sonoff/Sonoff POW or Power Supply? At the bottom of the PCB,You will see more than 1 track have solder at the top of the track. This feature will allow the track that can pass more current than the track width without solder. ![ดาวน์โหลด (6).jpg](// 6.Track load calculator(PCB). Why? -because someone don't know how much current can pass the track. This feature should come with mil,inch,mm unit. Just input the track width/current,Copper weight and it will calculate how much current can pass the track and the minimum track width for this current. 7\. User contibution tab/More parameter in the library\. Why? -Because in EasyEDA v.4.x.x or less than will have User contibution tab in library but EasyEDA v.5.x.x Don't have it.I want it back. -Because the library don't have required parameter like "Power"For a resistor,"Voltage"for a capacitor,fuse,IC,much more part,"Current"for fuse,inductor. If you make an SCH Lib,You will see "Add Parameter" Button.If you use it for required parameter,it will **NOT** present in the library.It should have "Add Voltage","Add Power","Add Resistance","Add Inductance","Add Frequency","Add Current","Add Manufacturer","Upload Picture","Add Datasheet"The datasheet should be in link,or upload Datasheet.,"Add order link"This Button should be replace"Supplier"parameter and it should put more than 1 ordering link.Button. If I have more idea,I will add more comment soon.
junlakan67 6 years ago
Oh! I have more idea. 1.A module with assigned footprint. Why? -Because The system's module don't have correct footprint. ![EasyEDA - A Simple and Powerful Electronic Circuit Design Tool (4).jpg](// That means you must assign a footprint for each part in the system's module. 2.Polarity marker. Why? -Because the polarity is important.This feature should generate net label in the PCB but you can choose what net  label should be in the PCB. If it have only net label on the track,it's should put the pad in the PCB as 2.54mm pitch. 3.Tag Categories&Description Why? -Because Someone have many tags like me and someone make a tag for product series.
UserSupport 6 years ago
I want the following feature: 1. Breadboard and Arduino block code. Why? -Because this feature is for everyone **without** (or with) a soldering iron who want to build a circuit without soldering or use with a microcontroller board like Arduino. > Any images? 2.Track to Track jumper like this: ![EasyEDA - A Simple and Powerful Electronic Circuit Design Tool (3).jpg]( Why? Because this feature is for DIY PCB (or single layer/beginner/cheap industrial board). This feature should be in PCB tool. > You can switch layer to route or place a resistor instead 3.Perfboard Style PCB. Why? -Because this feature is for who don't have much money (less than $2) but want to build a circuit on perfboard. This feature will provide track guideline for perfboard's track. > Please use : Topbar - Align - Distribute Array, when you place the multi-layer pads to create the Perfboard 4.Resistor color code calculator. Why I want this feature? -Because if yuo have to convert breadboard diagram into SCH or you have many resistor but you aren't kmow the color code,This feature wil help you. > We will think about the calculator tool for PCB. at now , please use the other online calculator first. 5.Solderable track. Why? -Because the Top/BottomSolderMasLayer Don't connect Pad to Pad. This Feature should be in the track option like this: Solderable? Yes/No. > Please click the track, and click the "Create Solder Mask" button on the right-hand panel > ![image.png](// -Have your ever teardown Sonoff/Sonoff POW or Power Supply? At the bottom of the PCB,You will see more than 1 track have solder at the top of the track. This feature will allow the track that can pass more current than the track width without solder. ![ดาวน์โหลด (6).jpg]( 6.Track load calculator(PCB). Why? -because someone don't know how much current can pass the track. This feature should come with mil,inch,mm unit. Just input the track width/current,Copper weight and it will calculate how much current can pass the track and the minimum track width for this current. > Same as No.4 1. User contibution tab/More parameter in the library. Why? -Because in EasyEDA v.4.x.x or less than will have User contibution tab in library but EasyEDA v.5.x.x Don't have it.I want it back. > Plase search the part, then the User Contributed will show up. if without search, the user contributed tab is useless. -Because the library don't have required parameter like "Power"For a resistor,"Voltage"for a capacitor,fuse,IC,much more part,"Current"for fuse,inductor. If you make an SCH Lib,You will see "Add Parameter" Button.If you use it for required parameter,it will **NOT** present in the library.It should have "Add Voltage","Add Power","Add Resistance","Add Inductance","Add Frequency","Add Current","Add Manufacturer","Upload Picture","Add Datasheet"The datasheet should be in link,or upload Datasheet.,"Add order link"This Button should be replace"Supplier"parameter and it should put more than 1 ordering link.Button. > You can define your component's parameter > ![image.png](// If I have more idea,I will add more comment soon. 1.A module with assigned footprint. Why? -Because The system's module don't have correct footprint. > It like the schematic, you need to assign the package for each component, if the component haven't the package which have to link with a global unique ID when you update the package. 2.Polarity marker. Why? -Because the polarity is important.This feature should generate net label in the PCB but you can choose what net label should be in the PCB. > if you place two net label on one wire on the schematic, the editor will use the first one to be the net name on the PCB. If it have only net label on the track,it's should put the pad in the PCB as 2.54mm pitch. > Not understand, need more information. 3.Tag Categories&Description Why? -Because Someone have many tags like me and someone make a tag for product series. > We will think about it. Many Thanks
junlakan67 6 years ago
@UserSupport -Breadboard feature: ![images.png](// Breadboard feature should come with following breadboard: ![ดาวน์โหลด (7).jpg](//![images (9).jpg](//![images (8).jpg](//![images (7).jpg](// ![ดาวน์โหลด (8).jpg](//![ดาวน์โหลด (9).jpg](//![ดาวน์โหลด (10).jpg](// Note:mini,LEGO Breadboard should come with many color. -User contibution tab: It's means You should make it can be access without searching anymore because someone used for correction the SCH Libs,Footprint,SCH/PCB module. -More parameter in the library: It's means the instant parameter that you can click the button,Enter values,and it's will be display in the library.The picture and datasheet should be uploadable. -Some parameter was removed in the library: I want it back like:"Power" for resistor. -A module with assigned footprint. Please assign footprints for every parts in each module.The footprint that I used for assigning for parts in the system's modules is:LED-0603,3-0603,C-0603,L-0603. -Polarity marker. It's should be generate a net label's name removable text next to the pad of the footprint. -If it have only net label on the track,it's should put the pad in the PCB as 2.54mm pitch. It's should be generate: 1.A Multi-layer pad. 2.A net label's name text next to the pad. If it's have more than 1,Place the pads next to the pads togeter with 2.54mm pitch.
junlakan67 6 years ago
I want these new features: 1.Programming IDE.Why? -Because all Arduino project needs a code.Someone don't have an Arduino IDE.It's shoud come with text&blockcode mode. -It's should come with 2 programming languages:C++(Arduino programming language.),Python3(For beginner&Some MCU Board) -It's should be in a project or as a module. 2.Automatic component's name showing.Why? -Because someone want to make a beginner's kits. Some explansion about request feature: -Wavy tracks ![ดาวน์โหลด (11).jpg](// I will explan more in next comments.   I         I           I                                                                     V        V          V
junlakan67 6 years ago
-Buried vias ![ดาวน์โหลด (12).jpg](// Note:It's isn't on the EasyEDA's road map.Don't request this feature again. I want this following features: 1.Single-layer pads.Why? -Because it's support in EasyEDA V.4.x.x or less than.I want it's back. 2.**ALL **of the feature on EasyEDA's road map.
junlakan67 6 years ago
**IMPORTANT!** I want this feature **QUICKLY!** Crash recovery for SCH/PCB Libs&Auto save in SCH/PCB files. -Save every moments in cache in Computer/server when SCH file,PCB file,SCH/PCB Libs isn't save as project/libs. -(Only in SCH/PCB Files)Save automaticly when:Create BOM,Convert to PCB,Update footprint in footprint manager,every action that need to save first. -Present every moment in "Crash recovery" for recovery. -Recall cache when click "recovery" and clear cache in server. PLEASE MAKE THIS FEATURE **FIRST**.I want this feature because my work is **IMPORTANT**. The "Crash Recovery" Feature isn't support SCH/PCB Libs.It's crash when creating SCH/PCB Libs.**Please set the "Auto Saving Duration as 1 second as minimum.**
andyfierman 6 years ago
@junlakan67, If having a backup of every step of your work is important to you then you can download a copy of the EasyEDA Source files of everything you work on. You can do this as often as you like.
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